Please Read All the Way To the bottom there is alot to read even if you dont think there is. All steps are explained Including the Engagement Ceremony which is not the norm of society .
In Each Of These Steps There is Usually A Special Ceremony that Either Takes place before The Rings are Given ( Where there given At The Ceremony )or After (Where the Rings have Already Been placed on eachothers hand Because the Couple Decided to do it in a non-Traditional way ) . It depends on the Couple What they Decided.
In Each Of These Steps A Ceremony takes Place (its Almost like A wedding but not) When A Couple Have A True Blood OR A Eternity Ring It usually them Exchange Vows while placing there rings on there Right Hand.
There are 4 Steps In A Relationship.
1. True Blood Ring (Committed To Eachother)
2. Eternity Ring (Unbreakable Bond & Loyalty )
3. Engagement Ring ( Fiancee )
4. Wedding Ring (Married)
True Blood Ring And Eternity Ring Are both Placed on the Right Ring Finger ( it is beside the pinky)
Engagement Ring and Wedding Ring Are Both Placed on the left Ring Finger (it is beside the Pinky)
True Blood Ring - Is The First Step In A relationship. Its is a Commitment ( Not to be Confused with the Engagement Ring). The True Blood Ring is a Heart Shaped Gem . It doesn't have a specific Color. It can be any color the person Likes. Of Course the Smart Idea is to find out there persons Favorite Color And Also Correlate it with there Personality. ( Take A Look At the Picture Down Below That is What A True Blood Ring is.)
When You Give this Ring To that Special Someone You Love it is A Symbol Of You Committed to them. Your Blood Is There Blood Now. At This Point you Are one Blood Line Committed to eachother.
Eternity Ring- Means You Are Solidifying yourself to them for good. Its An Unbreakable bond.A bond that is Entity and Union That is A pledge of Your Loyalty to them. This Bond is the Second Step In the Relationship.Its Another Pentacle in the Relationship not to take lightly. All Steps are meant to take with Full Responsibility and to give your heart 100% To the other person.
Engagement - Means You Want to Spend The Rest Of your Life With them. I dont need to show rings on this one or the next because you know what they look like. But The Engagement How ever is Really Different from the Rest When It comes to the Ceremony.
The Night Of he proposal A Masquerade Ball happens. The Couple Shall not Reveal there Face the whole night until The proposal. When The Person is Ready to ask the person (asking) the person to marry Will take off there mask and ask the Question of marriage with there speech.
At this Time A Light Blue and Purple Closed Rose will be Brought Out and Brought to the person who is being asked to be married to the other person. The Rose has to be Close it Symbolizes the beginning and The New.
While The Person Asking It is the loyalty of the other who is being asked to pick a Rose while being asked. If they Pick the Blue Rose it is a symbol Of Truth ( it shows that there more likely will accept the proposal) But If they Choose Lilac Purple ( It Means there Uncertain but are willen to Listen. It doesn't necessary mean they will say no. its not to be confused with that) Scroll down for pictures and proceed to next paragraph for the Rest to this Explanation.
After Picken A Rose and while holden the rose in the LEFT hand When the Question is finished. Depending on Rose color and If choosen to marry the other person. The person being asked to be married will reveal there face. (depending on the color of Lips will give another hint of answer)
If there lips Are Red with gloss or Pink with Gloss it is a symbol of love and is yes to the question.
If there lips Are Black and Glitters It is Symbol of the End Of The Relationship and means no to the Question.
If the Answer is Yes Both Partys with take the color rose and place it beside the Red and White IN A vase Showing there unity and Beginning. Then they will Light A Unity Candle. After all this They Will Lead The First Dance Of Engagement. Shortly Afterwards They Will cut there cake and have there first toast To there newly beginning as fiancees.
The night before the wedding There will be a rehearsal Dinner IN Which both party's CANT see eachother until they arrive at there rehearsal Dinner. They both need to be In newly outfits not ever seen by eachother. The one who asked to marry the other will have to Arrive First AND Await there bride. When she Arrives they must all stand . The Couple will exchange a kiss and then they all may sit down . There First toast will commence and the speech before Dinner. Then The Couple Will Exchange Gifts they have for eachother For the newly Life ( it is suppose to be A Jewelry that can be worn on the wedding day ) This Gift is there Symbol of Keepsake. For Women it is suppose to be necklace but if it is a guy it is a Pocket Watch. This Gifts are meant For keepsakes and to be used even after marriage.
After All Speechs are done they will begin to eat Dinner. After Dinner is done The couple will have one last Dance under the Stars. Then Later on 1 last good night kiss and then they wont see eachother until the day of the wedding.
Wedding band- The Beginning of there all Eternity &Beyond. Commitment. No need to show pic you guys know what those look like . Except there is one difference there names are inscribed inside there wedding bands. So no matter where they go both there names are in there wedding bands so they are always with eachother.
For every Step there are new outfits and Jewelry . A new Beginning Means a New Start.
The Wedding Day Of Course Neither side can see eachother because it would be bad luck.
The Wedding Is not Held In a church It is Held under A Sleeping Willow Tree ( it means Embrace)
Everything is the same Except The person who marrys the Couple is Justice Of The Peace and Also the Vows Are Exchanged 2 sets. First set by Justice Of The Peace then The Personal Vows.
After All This At the End of the Ceremony is sealed with A Kiss. As they Walk Down the Aisle Red Rose Petals will be thrown at the happy Couple. ( Which Symbolized Love and Grace)
All Guests Will Arrive At the Reception First . Afterwards The Couple is Will be Announced as they Arrive And Will Proceed to There First Dance . The First Dance is Meant TO be between the couple and only the couple. After the First dance is over then the First Toast will commence with speechs. Afterwards They Will Cutt There Wedding cake together And Closure time will begin Amongest Everyone ( A time where everyone is getten to know eachother and such during the eatting cake and Drinking champagne ). After This Dinner will be Served and the Night will be filled will music and laughters as much . When the time Comes Towards the End The Couple Will depart once more to get Dress in there newly Away Outfits . After Doing so they farewells to everyone and Head to there honeymoon Where they Will Exchange ONE More Gift from eachother ( newly gifts they got the night before to exchange on there wedding night) For A woman It is a bracelet and For A Man it is A Wrist Watch.
So thats it Everyone. I hope I explained Everything in detail the best I could. We Have had this In our Family For Ages. My Great Great Great Grandparents Are the ones who started this all back in there time and I plan to carry on the Tradition. I hope this Better Explains more about me and also helps you understand me more . I am nervous and happy to share this with you guys. As you guys Mean The world to me and this is a very special matter to my heart. I hope when those days come you guys will be there for me *smiles*
Anyways I Really Wanted you to know that. I love you Sweethearts. I miss you and I love you with all my heart.
♥♥♥I love you Sweetheart xoxoxoxoxoxo ♥♥♥
♥♥♥*Big kisses and Huggies*♥♥♥
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