I Miss You Bunchs!!!♥♥♥♥♥♥
Well It is Finally here . You Sweethearts Finally Have Direct Access to Our Channel.
Now If you want quicker Access to Us we are only one click of a button away. So Now Here is Our New List Of Contacts. There will be more adding soon . So Always keep alert and on your tippy toes. We are always Adding something new .
Our Skype Name is : DancingSouless
Customer Care E-mail DancingSouless@yahoo.com
My Google Plus Page
My Flickr Page Alexia Admiral
My Twitter
My Blogger
My Steam Page Graveyard9999
Those Are Just some of our contacts now. We are taken one step at a time.
Now we Have Rules For Skype . Today we had a first Request for A chat Session.
OfCourse it was nicely Declined.
Here are the Rules To Skype With Us
Rules 101 of skyping with Us and Our Channel
1. You Must be A Family Member on our Channel (or) Assosiated with us on
other platforms. (I.E) Steam , GooglePlus, Blogger , Twitter , yahoo, Flickr,or
PowerDirector (follower to us aka community) , or Freesound (follower to us aka community)
2. Your First Session Won't be A Video Chat (Unless you have been A family member for more then 2 weeks.. If you are A new Family Member you will only be able to IM .
You must gain Loyalty To gain Video Access. (Please see details below)
3. The only Way you can surpass 1 and 2 as above is if you know me and regularly chat with me or play games with me on other platforms. Its all about Trust.
4. If you are 18 And under you need an Adult to Accompanied you in a video chat.
You Must have Permission by your parents to chat in video chat as well.
1 . Be an Active Communicator And Commenter on Our Channel.
2. Pro Active With Our Events and Participating In Our Everyday routine
Example :
( talken amongst our family members getten to know one another and helping
eachother out when needed help. Our family is built on Helping one another and growing
eachother's channels.it is not just about us. it is about our family members as well.
3. You Need to be A stable Family member for 2 Weeks Solid .
( We have had past Family members come and go.we dont
need an unsure Potential Family member going in and out.
it isn't a good role model and it doesn't show a solid family Foundation
When You Join Please make sure you are Ready and are sure that is what you want.
Our Family Is built On Stability , consistence , communication ,Love, Equality ,Trust,
Loyalty and more.
4. Being An Upstanding Family member and looken out for our family members even when you guys are watching other channels.We want to make sure our family members are safe no matter where they are. If you see one of your fellow family members being bullied or what not you need to report ,flag and follow YouTube Guidelines.
Please Always Think before Reacting .I know how it is to see others being bullied or what not. but you must think before you React. After Followen YOUTUBE Protocol Please reassure our family member that everything is okay give them a kind gesture to let them know you are there for them ,Identify yourself as one of our family members so they know who you are and what channel you represent.communicate with them and Make sure there Alright. If you ever need my help Just IM Us right away. I won't hesitate to answer your call.I will try to be as supportive as family should be.
If you are ever In A situation where you are depressed or you need or want to
Talk to someone I will try me best to be there for you. But Just to let you Know All Video's Will
be recorded for training and Safety Purposes. Just Like in a real Business we believe in safety for everyone.
In Our Community There is Zero Tolerance for any type of being cruel,mean,Hateful towards others.Our Community is built on accepting Anyone and Everyone No matter who ,what they are, Age, gender ,race,orientations , religions , Beliefs and more.We accept everyone.
In Our Community There is Zero Tolerance for any type of being cruel,mean,Hateful towards others.Our Community is built on accepting Anyone and Everyone No matter who ,what they are, Age, gender ,race,orientations , religions , Beliefs and more.We accept everyone.
Everyone will be treated with respect. Our Community is Equality friendly. We Believe on our channel That Everyone is equal and that everyone Deserves the best in life. We all have our issues and what not but we wont Tolerate ignorance on our channel. If you so Go Against the rule we will take Youtube Protocol actions (Following YouTube GuideLines) .
We want everyone On Our Channel To be happy and Most of Safe. This world is already not safe enough. thats why we have officers and such. Please be nice and courteous of everyone's feelings.
As the years go on Our Family Grows Bigger Our rules Will Subject to Change
Exceptions TO Video Rules
1. If you are wanting to Collaborate you must send a IM ,Email or both To
Have the video Exception apply to you.
2. If you are wanting to talk about Future Products , Business inquires, Merchandise and
more for our channel Please follow the same rule as 1. above.
3. Our family works together So if you have any ideas on how to make our channel even better ,or you have Promo reels , intros clips or outros and you want us to use them please Send us an IM or Email. We would gladly work with you and see what we can do and if infact if we will use it or Feature it . YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE A PRO JUST BE YOU :D . We accept all entrys.
4. If your wanting to help out with our channel by (IE) volunteering with helping with our work load by volunteering your expertise or time and or services Please Email us IM us or Email .whatever suit's you best.If you can't get a hold of us on IM Please leave a message on there and also leave an email and we will be gladly to get back to you as soon as possible.
I hope this Clarifys somethings. it is a rough draft . But Like I said Rules are Subject to change at anytime.So please always keep up with our policies.
Thank you Sweethearts And I Love you With all My heart.
I miss you bunchs!
♥♥♥♥♥♥Sincerely With Lots Of Love ♥♥♥♥♥♥