This is behind the scenes of All my collections and how i am doing. You find out what i am thinking, my opinions and more. When I said strong willed to be open and honest even if it hurts I meant it . I am tied of being bullied and now i am gonna make it count by blogging and maken a difference in this world.
Thursday, May 26, 2016
BACK TO THE ER MEDICAL REALM TO WORK AND SAVE MY PATIENTS . IT IS Time for another new gameplay that was on my list . So tonight we are going to be playen {Elizabeth Find M.D. - Diagnosis Mystery }.
So At 10:35 pm Eastern Time I will begin Recording . I So Hope you have been enjoying yourselfs as I am happy doing what i am doing for you guys and myself. :D Playen games and being with you guys is my most favorite Part of my day.
SO Just to let all know we should have 5 days with different game plays and 2 that have already been going
on with there series.
Here is the list ->
1.Fabulous - Angela's Fashion Fever Platinum Edition
2.Heart's Medicine - Time to Heal Platinum Edition
3.Sacra Terra - Kiss of Death Platinum Edition
4.Elizabeth Find M.D. - Diagnosis Mystery
5.Dr. Wise - Medical Mysteries
6.{ Mystery horror game} Still unknown until I reveal it ! :D hey i gotta keep something for a surprise.
7. Enforcer Police Crime Action
Depending On Popularity Some Games May be played 2 Days in a row . You guys have been showing me some strength in certain episodes. I have been watching the view count. Soon Enough we may have a poll count to have you decide in Future Episodes what game to play next. So Keep Active.
Followen Your Heart ♥Ep 1 IS NOW RELEASED!!!
FINALLY Followen Your Heart ♥Ep 1 | IS NOW RELEASED!!!.
I Hope You Enjoy It as much as I did maken it .
Followen Your Heart ♥Ep 1
In this Episode We Journey Back to Sacra Terra Island But for a different Reason. Tiffany's Fiancee Mark is captured by a Succubus named Lilth a.k.a Lust from the Angelic Night series. Mark is taken to Sacra Terra Island . Once There Tiffany has to save other Couples Lost souls before she Can Save Mark.
See you guys later Tonight with Another New Game play !!!
Followen Your Heart ♥Ep.1 is now UPLOADING!
Followen Your Heart ♥Ep.1 is now Uploading. it has 1 hours and 45 minutes in Uploading Process. My GAWD THIS is Taken Awhile BUT IT IS SO WORTH IT !!! :D
I swear there needs to be another way to have these processes faster. I use rendering with sony then handbrake for part 2 to make it even smaller. then uploading is just simple because i just add it to the upload process. But after it is uploaded sometimes there is a process after that called "Processing time" GAWD ! GRRRR. But is okay. I am use to this process. Hey At least I will know how long it will take for a 1 hour and 57 minutes long Show aka movie. :D the next time I do it.
Its all a learning process but it doesn't bother me at all. I love all my creations and I plan to Keep doing what I do best and that is Create AWESOME CONTENT! :D
Usually when My videos are in LONG Rendering Time I usual go take a shower ,edit or other things. OR I Shower before a show. It all depends. So eaither way I am always in the shower LOL ROFL.
Well At least I am doing something productive. LOL . i wish i had people to chat with because if i did I would chat with them during the rendering process. That would be cool. But unfortunately i don't .
There has been times I thought About going on Second Life while I am in the rendering phase's but I don't like doing that just to go to talk to people because I like to be close to my work and be on top of it . So if anything happends I can be there and be able to fix it.
You can say I like perfection in my work. i try my hardest on all my work . I try to be the best I can be. I know I won't ever be perfect but hey at least I can do my best :D .
Sides in Second Life I only have 5 Friends on my list and most of the time when i am on none are there Except Mileena. Which I CAN ALWAYS Count being there. As for my other friends they barley even talk to me or even know I am online. So i don't bother them at all.
I don't like bothern People. I always feel like I am a hindrance to them. I usually stay to myself. I am the same way in real life. I always stay to myself. I don't go outside Unless I have to .Eaither wise I stay indoors all the time. Unless my family needs me or i got an interview, or chores my mom needs help with or , i got grocerie shopping to do. Othere wise I am always indoors 24/7 and don't really see daylight much.
It is like when I am in my home I am in a different and safe world. A world where I am accepted and loved for who i am. Now you are probley wondering loved by who ? Well me ofcourse I live by myself with my plushies . lol. :D
One day it won't be like that. But that is gonna take a lot of time. My first priority is my career and then whatever comes next.
I am hoping not to be alone forever . But Time Will Tell. Anyways So When I am in the rendering phase I usual got take shower, edit thumbnails, pictures,eat , or Catch up on my favorite Youtube videos I love watching or whatever.
I would say I am very happy the most when i am doing my videos for you guys. I don't feel so alone when I am doing them. I like not feeling like I am not alone and you are there. it is like we are staying up late at night and haven a gaming Slumber party. *giggles*
Well i know I have fun and i know you do too. I am hoping one day I can share movies and more with someone . It would be nice to watch a movie and not only hear my own laughter but someone elses as well. But Until then it will only be my laughter I hear at my own dumb jokes ,or movies i watch or whatever. But thats fine Because I know Someday It will change. But it is gonna take time.
Anyways I am glad I shared that with you guys.I will Keep you posted on Followen Your Heart ♥Ep.1 .
Followen Your Heart ♥Ep.1 is now in rendering Phase 2
Usual phase 2 of rendering is quick but since this Episode is 1 hour and 57 minutes long phase 2 is now alot longer which i didn't expect. I know for one thing i didn't expect the phase 1 rendering to take almost 4 hours then it originally told me. But *shrugs shoulders* It happends.
So this time since i am on top of it *sorta speech* It has 28 minutes of rendering in phase 2.
Suppossly. It can change like the first phase did to me *grrrrr*
But anyways I will keep you posted my Sweethearts.
Lost in Love and wondering Thoughts
Well I got so lost in the moments in the game play I forgot what time it was and I did alot of recording.
This Game play is 1 hour and 57 Minutes Long.But I am happy about it . i had so much fun and I opened up about so much about myself with in the story that was unfolden in the game. I so love this Game and I can't wait to play more of it .
If anything this game is maken me more stronger in life and maken me more open then before. I am so happy for haven these types of games. I am so happy to have my family ( which is you guys) which is growing each day. I feel like I am actually home and wanted and loved for once. I don't feel alone anymore. I am glad .
Anyways I am in editing right now with the first episode of Sacra Terra - Kiss of Death Platinum Edition.
In this episode I really opened up more about me and my views of others I have seen struggle like me.
I so hope you love this gameplay as much as i do. Just make sure you got your favorite Blanket ,pillow ,snacks and drinks. Cuddle up to your computer ,phone ,tv , tablet or whatever you are viewing this on and relax and Enjoy the show or I should say movie at this point :D .
3 hours and 23 minutes of part 1 rendering phase time left for this episode before it heads
to rendering part 2.
I Love You Guys And Miss You!!!
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