Monday, July 11, 2016

So please WELCOME Lexie Cedenio to our family!!!!!!!♥♥♥♥♥♥ We Have News on Video Quality and new features comming.

HELLO FAMILY !!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥



Well my DARLING SWEETHEARTS GREAT NEWS We found out our 52nd Family Members Name.



We are so excited to finally know who has joined our family!!!! So welcome to our family!!!
like I said earlier If you ever need anything, or someone is bothen you or you have a request Just let us
know at

We are here for you if you ever need us.  Our community is based on Number 1 and that is family.
we support one another through thick and thin,Good Time and Bad Times ,hardships and more. We are a strong family. We take care of eachother . you ever need someone to talk to or chat with Just email us or get a hold of us on

My Google Plus Page

My Twitter

Direct Email us on Our YouTube page  -->

Soon Enough We will have a Family Member Feature on our google plus. So family please keep a look out for it because it will be our welcoming platform and also a place where you guys can chat back and forth and share, pictures or whatever. It will be a google collection but it will be Open Platform to our family.  Right now it is still being worked on . 

Soon Enough We will also be Adding A feature where you can IM us at our office through Skype. 
We believe the faster the better it is. 

As the days go on we are implementing more features so you can have more access to us.
Right now we have one of our financiers on board with us to be one of our employees and a backer.

Quality of videos will soon change to higher Quality as we talk with our board of directors on how we shall go forward. Not to worry for our family members or others. We are just simply going over our next idea got Quality V.S Quantity . 

A.K.A  Quality means more time for video and only a  video V.S Quantity Which would be lots of videos and low quality of videos. We failed to launch twice Ultra High Quality Resolution due to Crashs of Editor.
Most YouTubers don't use Ultra high  which is one of our highest components. Due to majority of our community Ultra High is rare for most to use Since Key Factor in Our Economy Ultra High Is more use for the ultra rich or people who have a high income then most. 

1080P 60 is not the Highest there is  Right now 8K is the best resolution. We are thinking about going to 4K Resolution soon. We will let you know when and if we decide to implement it . If we go to 4k then we will have Volicity rendering and we can forget about using Sony Vegas anymore. Things are changing on our channel slowly. But even when we are quite there is a  reason. not bad but  it is a good thing. 

Usually it means another feature being added or another Big Project or what not. Anyways back to the main source of everything WE Are trying to make it more comfortable as possible for our Family Members and our Potential Family Members.  Now with all this being said most of you are probley gonna get a little scared as to what it means to you if we go to 4K. Well if we do We  will Do our best to make Other resolutions Available  as well to keep you engaged with our channel. 

We are all about Equality in all factors Including finances. I aint no rich person at all . I am below poverty. I am just lucky to have backers and financiers . But it doesnt mean I will always have them. Even I gotta get off my feet sooner or later and thats exactly what I am trying to do. I am trying to become financially  independent. 

Right now all of this is in testing and being talked about. it is a big Decision. It not something you can do over night. But We will keep all of you informed of any changes like we have been.  Now there is a Media player I believe that is free and that transforms a regular video into 4K. I dont have it at hand at this moment. but when I do I will leave a link to it and such. 

Also you gotta take into consideration that not all games can be done in 4K As well due to there graphics already. meaning games there were meant to be seen low resolution and what not. If any of you have any questions or concerns please contact us at or any of the followen I had mentioned earlier. 

Once again Welcome Home LEXI CEDENIO  ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥


♥♥♥♥♥♥ Sincerely With lots Of love ♥♥♥♥♥♥

      ♥♥♥♥♥♥ DancingSouless♥♥♥♥♥♥

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